The article read - How to Efficiently use an 800x480 eee pc, like the one I own. They recommend using Opera for web-browsing since Opera has a Fit to Screen option, that will allow web-sites bigger than 800 pixels to fit to the screen, eliminating the need to scroll left and right!
I was astounded by this so first I am like ok I have the linux eee pc, how do I install Opera on it?
Install Directions Here
I am working on getting it to work now...I will tell you all what happens..
I got it to work!! It is awesome because you can not only fit to screen, you can also set it so that it is viewing the page at 90% or 80% of the total screen, so it will actually shrink to fit, and you won't have those scroll bars any more!!
This is how I installed Opera on my Linux EEE PC 700:
1. Download from - Download Here - Select the "Debian" then "Debian 4.0 (Etch)" and download this one to your EEE PC
2. Figure out where it is saved on your system, probably in cd /home/user/My Documents
3. Open a command prompt (press CTRL + ALT + T) and navigate to the folder with the file
Here are some simple command line commands:
- dir - list all files in the folder I am currently looking in
- cd - change what folder I am currently in
- cd home - go to the home folder
- cd home/user/My Documents - go to the home/user/My Documents folder
- sudo dpkg -i [filename] - installs the file on your system
"sudo dpkg -i opera_9.51.2061.gcc4.qt3_i386.deb"
5. Once it installs type in "Opera" in a command line, you will get a disclaimer pop-up, press Enter to accept it, and Opera will launch!
Any questions?
~ Tek-Min-Now Team
wow that seems like an awesome computer ! is it hard to type though? and can u get skins for it?
pc here -
but i got mine at target.
no it isn't that hard to type you get used to it after awhile i can type at 50 world per minute on it or tricky part is the shift on the right side, but you get used to it after 2-3 weeks, or less.
also yes you can buy skins, i just bought this one from this site -
pretty cool!
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